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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Eighty-five percent

Today was our final yard sale. We've sold about 85% of what we own. The rest will be picked up on Monday by a DI truck.
This is a picture of what is left with a few piles of clothes for each person not included in the photo. (Oh, and several appliances we are putting in storage.)

We are without cars and homeless by Saturday.

Emotionally, this has been a difficult day for Ryan and me. Swimming in currents of doubt, more unnerving news was revealed to us this evening. That is, I likely completely misunderstood the processing times for our visa applications and the associated paperwork. 

Our timing may be completely off! Ryan is scheduled for his last day on Friday, June 14th. Renters move-in the 15th. Our flight is scheduled to leave Monday, June 24th. We may not have a decision until June 20th and even then, we won't have visas...just a decision about our applications!

First, I feel hopelessly naive! Second, what are we going to do??!! Third, I feel horribly embarrassed!

Hopefully, I will be able to shake this off with some good sleep, but right now, I'm scared and confused.

In many ways, I would like to take what I have learned and start all over again. There are many things I would do differently. 

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, don't give up! This is a huge undertaking, but you can do it and it will all be worth it very very soon.


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