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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Parallel Universe

Tonight, it feels like a different existence to think we had tickets to fly to New Zealand and start our new life.
We would have left LAX in 2 hours for a 12 hour flight across the Pacific.

Instead, the tickets were "credited" back to us, and we are spoiled refugees in the Salt Lake valley.

I did talk to the New Zealand consulate and cleared up the communication. Mr. Reid did explain his concerns. Accepting the concerns, I looked at one-way tickets again to evaluate another possible departure date. To my surprise, tickets had increased three times per person. What was originally a few thousand dollars, became a nearly $10,000 expense. . .increasing our expenses again.

After months of preparation, hopes and fears, we have been thrust back into decision mode. Instead of, "what steps do we take next?," we are now at, "do we even try to go?"

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