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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bridal Veil Falls--New Zealand Style

Yesterday, we knew we would need to wait for a few things to finalize, so we decided to take a mini-holiday and go to the beach. I did everything I could to this point at the University (or Uni) yesterday, we found a house (move-in on Saturday) and enrolled the kids in school this morning (they start on Monday). Ryan is still waiting to hear back about the details for staying on with the Active Network. So, we are headed to the beach...45 minute drive from Hamilton. I thought you might enjoy a small clip of what the scenery looks like on the drive from Hamilton to Raglan.

As were were driving, we noticed a sign to a hike called Bridal Veil Falls. We couldn't resist. Since we were at Bridal Veil Falls in Utah a few weeks ago, we had to see how it compared. Here are a few photos of what we saw. . .


  1. So how did they compare? Obviously, I have never been to either -lol

  2. That is gorgeous! I had no idea you decided to go. Looks like you are having a blast good luck getting settled in.

  3. I'm so excited and love the pictures and stories. It's awesome to hear all about this adventure! I hope you can find a great place to live with internet soon so that a) you'll be more comfortable and b) we can see even more pictures! :)


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