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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Culture Shock Phase 2: when it all sucks

One of my favorite topics to teach in Intercultural Communication was culture shock. Culture shock has 4 to 5 stages, depending on the theorist, but stage 2 is always the same.

Everything sucks!

We're a bit homesick right now. We spend an absurd amount of time discussing what we would import from the States; how much cheaper everything is; how much we LOVE the home we own; how AMAZING being a US citizen is. . .Eric even made us some US postage stamps. :)

Of course this is all complicated by an expected disappointment we had. 

Part of the reason we decided to come to New Zealand was because the Active Network, the company Ryan was working for, had decided to keep him on their payroll. About a week after we got here, we found out the verbal agreement they had was void.

So, we've been living off our savings and a student loan. We will be okay for a few months, but the cost of living here is high and we need a steady income. 

Ryan has spent the last week job searching and placing applications. He's even had people contact him for his resume, but they are consistently returning his emails with "we'll keep your cv (resume) on file, we don't have a need for programmers at this time."  Obviously, he'll keep trying, is looking at temp work and freelancing. . .but could use some extra help.  The employment rate here is low and the economy is slow growing.

Included in this mayhem is my scholarship application for international doctoral students--the only scholarship at the institution for which I am eligible. I wasn't awarded a scholarship in the last round, but my application will be reviewed again this round. They changed the rules three weeks ago and are only awarding the scholarships to international students in New Zealand (before they would award the scholarships to anyone in the world that had been accepted to the Ph.D. program). Luckily, we are here. The scholarship covers tuition for 3 years plus a $1800/month living stipend. 

We have seen AMAZING blessings in our life through this move; we've seen precise puzzle pieces falling into place; WE'VE MET the MOST INCREDIBLE PEOPLE; so, we know it's where we need to be right now.  We are, however, pretty homesick and miss the HUGE and AMAZING country we come from.

So. . .long story short, if you could remember us in your prayers and with your fast this weekend--if you are fasting and praying this weekend--we'd be grateful. 

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