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Monday, October 14, 2013

Weird Weather Express

I remember reading in one of the travel guides that one should plan for all four seasons in one day.
Layer, layer, layer.

I took that into account and tried to find and bring layer-type clothing.

So, four seasons in one day is no joke. Today it's been freezing, warm, pouring rain and sunny. It's been clear and overcast. It's rained while the sun was shining. I've decided that if I'm going to suffer through coastal weather again, I'm actually living on the coast.

But this layering thing. . .it's a skill. Apparently, it's a skill I don't have. I walk across campus and watch other women and think, "I would have never even thought to layer those clothes together." My layering looks more like this

Suzanne, however, was born a master at layering. She began layering long ago, when she would wear 3-4 pair of socks to school OR 4 shirts because was a little cold in her classroom.

Apparently, Eric takes after me. 


  1. That is hilarious. I love the hat. You guys are so smart to figure it all out.

  2. Ha ha ha- That girl. I laughed so hard when I read that she puts on 3-4 pairs of socks. And the picture of the layered shirts hilarious! We never know what we are going to get with that girl!


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