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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Boxing Day

Today is Boxing Day.

We've been spending weeks trying to figure out the purpose of "boxing day." The kids have been asking about it, and we had not idea. Ryan finally had to look it up online. Seems like a cool enough holiday. Traditionally, it was a day when blue-collar workers received gifts from their white-collar bosses. Or, we could look at it from a Marxist perspective: the day the bourgeois or elite acknowledge to proletariat. Or, we could look at it from a Christmas Carol perspective: the day the Scrooges of the world acknowledge their employees.

At any rate, it's a national holiday in most of the Commonwealth nation states. . .or at least that's what we read. It is in New Zealand.

On Christmas morning, the kids were watching Madagascar Penguins Christmas special. The following dialogue had me rolling with laughter.

Private Penguin: Why don't we celebrate Boxing day with Christmas this year?
Skipper: Private, we're not interested in your made-up holidays.

So, American!

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