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Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas in the Park


We had our church Christmas party. . .in the park. It's fun to have Christmas parties outside in the increasingly warmer weather. I was like a tourist. I kept taking pictures when we first arrived because the park was absolutely beautiful and the children's area was beyond fun!

Our kids had a wonderful time. They were able to swim, play and climb. Most of the "toys" were designed to blend into the natural environment. Impressive!

Can't wait to return to Parana Park. Eric's already made me promise him we'd go back soon.

This area consisted of 3 shallow pools for children to swim in. . .first time swimming at a ward Christmas party! In the back ground, you can also see a white building. That was a small-house sized bird aviary which housed parrots. It was fun!

I was grateful for this party for another unrelated reason. At the beginning of the week, Luke had a strange blister develop on his finger, pop oozing clear puss and the skin started deteriorating. We couldn't get any antibacterial cream because they don't sell it over the counter. We miss placed the one from our first aid kit in our move. So, we tried iodine, tea tree oil and lavender oil. The lavender oil seemed to help the most, but the top layer of skin was still deteriorating out from the original area of the blister out to the edges of his finger.

The obvious answer is take him to the doctor, right?

Since we are non-resident, we have access to the medical system, but it's restricted access. We have to pay cash for all visits and we have to pay higher rates. (Whatever I was told about the medical system in New Zealand was wrong, by the way.) Since we have a profoundly tight budget, I didn't have money to take him to the doctor. BUT. . .we have an American doctor in our ward who would understand our plight!

I was so grateful when he was willing to look at Luke's finger AT the Christmas party. Nothing to worry about it was just a water blister. Treatment: keep dry and clean.  The blister was likehe kind when get when we get burned, but this was because of a small cut which blistered for some reason. I learned from another source, the body can get water blisters in humid areas if its acclimatizing??? I don't know. It's starting to heal now.

I'm so grateful for Brother Curtis and his wife. I'm so grateful for his willingness to help us out, and I'm grateful it wasn't leprosy, just sayin.

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