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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our summer routine

I decided to try something new this summer. I wrote a poem we are memorizing which coincides with our daily routine. So far, it's worked great!

A Routine Poem

Wake-up, get dressed

Then it’s time for breakfast.

Next it’s time to do your chores,

“Wash the walls and clean the floors.”

Brush your teeth, make your bed

For a place to lay your head.

Now it’s time to play outside!

An hour’s past, come back inside.

Read, lunch, then a quiet rest

Then you’ll be your very best.

Inside or out, more time to play

Eat dinner at the end of day.

Jamas on, scriptures read,

Brush your teeth, and go to bed.

Don't forget to say your prayers;

It's safety from Satan's snares.


  1. cute poem! I'll bet the kids remember that for a very, very long time.

  2. I like it. That's a great routine.


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