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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Our Latest Comings and Goings

Ryan started his most recent semester with APUS working on his Master's degree in Emergency Management. He's becoming increasingly tempted to start looking for paid internships/jobs in the discipline but hesitates because it means a likely move the the East Coast. We also need to stay in our house until November because of funding we received from the Federal Government when we bought the house. I'm contracted with Dixie and SUU for fall which means insanity, but at least we'll be able to provide for the family.  Ryan and I (but mostly Ryan) have been working on our small online business, which has kept us afloat during the summer months.

Ryan has 7 chickens--4 hens; 3 chicks. They are Ryan's; I only touch them when absolutely necessary. We've decided he's becoming more of a farmer, and I'm becoming more of an urbanite. As if we didn't have enough polarizing differences. Ha!

School starts on August 16th for Luke and Suzanne. Luke does not want to go back to school which has me super concerned. On the national testing, he scored in 100% for 3rd graders on literature and in the 94% in math. I'm not sure if he's bored.  If his first quarter is anything like his last quarter last school year, we'll have to figure out something else. Suzanne is super excited to start school. She prints off 6-8 school worksheets to practice every day. Both of them are required (by me) to read 30 minutes a day which has been a huge help to keep their brains active. We've been reading the Magician's Nephew from the Narnia Chronicles by CS Lewis.  That has been SUPER fun! I love CS Lewis writings.

We found out a few weeks ago Eric will be able to attend Head Start in the Fall. I'm am SO excited and SUPER RELIEVED, because of my own schedule and Ryan's schooling.  Eric and Luke are both seeing an allergist. We have testing on Monday. During our first appointment, the allergist did an x-ray of Eric's head and sent us to an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. We found out today, Eric's ears are worse than we thought. He's starting to have permanent hearing damage because his ear drums are severely retracted. He will be having surgery on Thursday, July 26th for pressure equalization tubes. 

We repainted the bedroom that was previously blue to a crazy orange/brown color. The kids like it, but it's not my favorite color.  We created it out of what we have. For that, I better give us "thumbs up."

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