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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Eric's Map

Apparently, this is a map from our house to Grandma and Grandpa's house. After 911 calls, a police officer following Eric as he walks and a 3/4 mile trek, Eric followed the map and made it to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Meanwhile, I'm frantically walking the neighborhood and knocking doors trying to find him when it occurs to me that he drew this map a half hour before and had actually decided to walk it to find the short cut (the squiggly line on the map).

The blessings (Grandma and Grandpa are close and I've had the officer over for dinner) and the curse (Grandma and Grandpa are close, so Eric thinks he can walk there) of living in a small town.

When I get to my parents' house, I'm bawling. Eric seems to come to an awareness that walking to Grandma and Grandpa's house might not have been the best decision. The officer is super kind, and I can't help but wonder if he was snickering under his breath. He tells me Eric did a great job and the 911 calls were about a little boy holding a sign on the street. I wonder what those individuals thought the sign said? Huh?

We were both pretty shaken-up. As we drove home, he explained to me that he told me where he was going, but I wouldn't listen. I wouldn't listen. . .as I reflect back, I was distracted. I didn't listen. A painful moment of reality.

I couldn't help but think of all the times one of our other kids had wandered off under another adult's supervision and how silently judgmental I had been. I've learned another lesson to be more kind and patient!

After dinner tonight, Eric asked me if he could get a phone number. He needed a phone number so he would know what my phone number is. The officer did not tell me Eric did not know my phone number, he just told me Eric "did a great job" and wouldn't get in the car with a stranger (i.e. him).

Since Eric did not have a phone number, or a phone, he decided he would like a sticky note. He would like a stick note he could keep on his forehead for the times when he needed my phone number.

What a day!

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