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Saturday, September 21, 2013

All Things Eric

Eric lost his first two teeth within weeks of getting here. 

He used to spell mom . . .M -- O -- M, now he spells it Mum. 
In the words of a kind ward member, "Oh, you speak American." 
I guess we spell (or spelled) in American too ;)

Of all our children, Eric has struggled the most with this move. Being in Riverton was like a fun little vacation. Being in New Zealand has been a shock to his system. For a while he was barely eating and constantly crying over something. The last few days have been noticeably better for him (and us). He finally has a consistent schedule; he's made some friends; and we found some food he likes--generic nutella on wheat bread. 

There's definitely been some culture shock. For the most part, we've been extremely blessed. We speak the primary language; there are a load of immigrants here; the primary school is accustomed to international students; and there is an accessible library where we can check out dinosaur books. 

All-in-all, our children are doing AMAZINGLY well!


  1. Eric! Your teeth look so cute. Does the tooth fairy come in New Zealand?

  2. Glad you are adjusting! Breathe in some of that beauty for me!

  3. So good to hear that Eric is doing better and adjusting. Btw dinosaur books are the BEST! :)


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