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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Suzanne's Baptism

Suzanne was baptized today! It was CRAZY!

We were responsible for everyTHING: fill the font, clean the church, make or find white baptism clothes for Ryan and Suzanne, create a program, find speakers. . .etc, etc, etc.

Our kind primary president gave us a white dress her daughter didn't need anymore. Ryan borrowed a white jumpsuit from our ward mission president (never mind the fact that the man is twice Ryan's size, ha!)

We decided to do something daring to include our family: so we had Grandmas and Grandpas speak and some cousins sing a special musical number.

The baptism was all family and all filmed. IT seems a bit silly and impersonally, but it was AWESOME! We had one family (our neighbors), the assigned Bishopric member and the primary president come.  The Elders stop by for a few minutes, so there could be witness for the ordinance. SOO GRATEFUL for Elder Jones and Elder Lelenoa!  It was so small, but it was neat. (Now that it's over, a few hours ago, it was INSANE!)

We had our Bauer cousins sing When I am Baptized. They did such a great job!
Grandma and Grandpa Sheffer spoke on baptism.
Grandma and Grandpa Reynolds spoke on the Holy Ghost.
The talks were AMAZING!

Suzanne had to be baptized twice! Oops!
Ryan did the ordinance left-handed the first time. No one noticed except Elder Lelenoa.  I had Suzanne in the women's bathroom with only a towel when they told us they would need to redo the baptism.
The poor girl had to put the COLD, wet clothes back on and be baptized again. She kept saying, "This is SO cold!"

It was memorable, to say the least. 



  1. Congratulations Suzy!! That is so exciting you guys. Thanks for the great account and pics.
    -Scott Church

  2. Congrats, Suzanne! It sounds like it was one of the coolest most special and memorable baptisms ever. Definitely in true "Sheffer" style!

  3. Ahhh, so neat. Thanks for sharing. My Kids really enjoyed it.

  4. What a beautiful family. Gavon just said Suzie looks awesome in there. Shayden said when will we see her again. I say, you all look amazing! Love the pictures.


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